Helping you find the right school and support for your SEN Warrior!

We are experienced consultants with extensive knowledge of the SEN system but more importantly, we are also parents that just like you have been on this journey and understand how daunting It can be. 

Let us help you on your journey

Every child and young person is entitled to an education and a happy childhood filled with memories of school days. Unfortunately, our little warriors with special needs and learning difficulties will struggle to cope in mainstream schools without the right support or are simply in the wrong educational setting. The UK system for SEN Education is not easy to navigate but it is in place to allow children and young people to have access to the same education and preparation for adult life. We are here to help your family on this journey.

Knowing your child has special educational needs is just the beginning, the journey to get the right support and education setting is where families usually find themselves lost and in desperate need for support. Let us help you on this journey, we are all in this together!


Bishop Family

“Thank you so much for being part of this journey with our family, the guidance and knowledge on the UK process took so much weight off our shoulders, we now have the right support in place finally, cannot thank you enough”

N. Patel

“Aside from your knowledge of the EHCP process which was superb, what gave me so much comfort was the fact you are a mother who has been in my shoes and that made all the difference in this process. Thank you”

J. Marion

“I would never have coped in the school meetings if it weren’t for you by my side, you gave me the strength and support to keep my head clear and fight for my child. After 6 months we got the outcome we fought over 18 months for, for this we are eternally grateful”

Carson Family

“We were moving from Canada to London and to not be able to visit schools for our SEN child and to navigate a system we knew nothing about was terrifying. This service was invaluable to us, thank you again from the bottom of our hearts”

About the SEN Warriors website

We want our website to be a central resource for anyone looking for information and support with their SEN questions.

We always respect the privacy of our enquiries
We understand each child is unique in their requirements
We will always be honest and upfront
About SEN

What is SEN, EHCP and different types of schools


Packages and costs for our offerings

About Us

My story, how we can help and areas covered


Resources for SEN to use and bookmark

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