About Us

Read about us to find out our background and what makes us the best choice for your SEN journey!

My story

As a mother of two SEN children, I have been in that same desperate place all parents of SEN children find themselves, trying to navigate the education system in the UK to make sure their children are having access to an education, the right support for their needs and simply the same experience of school life in their childhood that all other children have access to.

When I embarked on this journey, I felt lost, in the dark and like I was failing my children. I quickly realised that it wasn’t me but the system that is complex to navigate. The support and education for our SEN warriors is there but understanding the system and how it all works is the key to get there. Knowledge is power so I decided to invest in learning through courses, seminars and getting involved with families who were going through all the different processes. It changed our lives on this journey and that’s when I decided I wanted to help others achieve the same. I qualified as a SEN LAW consultant shortly after and have been helping families on their SEN journey since.

How we can help

We support parents who are looking for support for their SEN children and have gone through the available support at school and online but find they are still in need of further advise and direction.

We work with a close network of professionals so we can help with a wide range of needs. Please have a look at our services to see what different support we offer.

Areas we cover

Surrey and London

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